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Mould spores in summer: what you need to know

We always worry about mould growth in the home during the long cold winter months, when we’ve all got the central heating at maximum to combat the chill.

However, mould spore counts are just as (if not more!) prevalent in the summer months than in the winter. Mould spores hitch a ride on pollen grains as they circulate through the air, worsening summer allergies. A research team from the University of Manchester and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust found that Summer’s lower wind speed and increased temperature caused increased levels of airborne fungal spores. 

“Indoor counts were directly correlated to outdoor counts and were elevated in rooms that directly connected to the outdoors, via a window.” said Professor Andrew Jones as part of the Manchester research team.

Worrying news if you were planning on keeping windows and doors open to enjoy the summer sun!

While the exact conditions for mould growth are rarer during the summer, it is still possible. And mould spores can wait. They lie dormant and invisible on the walls of your house until the atmosphere reaches the perfect amount of moisture, air and temperature.

Once the right growth conditions have been met, any mould spores present in the walls will start to grow mould.

Learn about how mould grows in the home. 

Allergies and health risks

A woman sneezes in the park because of hay fever/allergies

Mould spores in the air can trigger allergies or respiratory issues, particularly for individuals who are sensitive or allergic to mould.

Exposure to mould spores and mycotoxins can lead to symptoms like coughing, sneezing, wheezing, skin irritation, and even more severe health problems in some cases for those with compromised immune systems.

In summer, those who suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) may also find that they are sensitive to mould spores in the air.

To mitigate the threat of mould growth during the summer, it’s essential to control moisture levels and maintain proper ventilation.


Mould-resistant paints

Stop mould spores from settling in your home by preemptively applying mould-resistant emulsion paint to your walls. Mould spores cannot survive on walls that have been treated. When winter comes, you won’t be immediately overrun with black mould growth.

Dryzone Mould-Resistant Emulsion Paint is available in Magnolia or White. If you require a different colour to your walls, simply add a mould additive like Dryzone Mould Additive to any type or colour of indoor emulsion paint to give it robust mould-resistant properties. Whether you use Mould-Resistant Emulsion Paint or Mould Additive, the anti-mould component is active for up to 5 years – keeping mould away for a long-lasting solution that requires little to no maintenance assuming the wall is kept in good condition. 

Be vigilant. Here are the things that influence mould growth all year round, even in the summer.

Mould growth risks to watch out for

Increases in humidity levels

Summer weather tends to increase the relative humidity of outside environments, which provides the ideal environment for mould to thrive. Areas with high humidity levels or that lack appropriate ventilation are especially at risk. Condensation can form on windows and walls, creating damp conditions that encourage mould growth.

An increase in moisture-generating activities

During the summer, activities like paddling, watering plants, or using air conditioners and cool mist humidifiers can introduce additional moisture into the home. If not properly managed or dried, these moisture sources can contribute to mould growth. Even lightly spraying your face with cool water can add to the moisture content in your home, inching the conditions for mould growth ever closer. As always – bathrooms, kitchens, and basements are particularly susceptible to mould growth due to their exposure to water-related activities.

Lack of ventilation

To keep homes cool, people often seal windows and rely on air conditioning or electric fans. While these can help to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, they can also trap moisture indoors without sufficient ventilation. Poor air circulation inhibits moisture evaporation and creates an environment conducive to mould growth.

Poor maintenance

Leaking gutter; a perfect example of a building defect causing penetrating damp problems

During the summer holiday months, routine home maintenance may be overlooked due to time spent away, outside and just generally taking it easy.

Issues like roof leaks, plumbing leaks, or insufficient insulation must always be dealt with quickly.

Failure to fix these issues all contribute to mould problems later down the line.


Other preventative measures to stop summer mould growth

  • Maintain healthy airflow through the home by opening windows, using an appropriate ventilation system in kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms that usually contain moisture-generating activities.
  • Repair any leaks and clear up pools of standing water promptly.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain the home’s exterior, including the roof, gutters, and foundation.
  • Use mould-resistant materials and paints in high-risk areas.
  • Keep indoor plants well-maintained to minimise moisture accumulation in the soil.
  • Remove any existing mould promptly and thoroughly clean affected areas with appropriate cleaning solutions.

For more information call
01403 210204